What is Sherlock What is Sherlock

LG Sherlock is a data storage and analysis tool that is being introduced across an entire tier of government. It has been developed by LGAQ to help Queensland councils convert their data to insights they can use to make the best-possible decisions. 

How does it work?

LG Sherlock takes the information held in spreadsheets, files and folders, archived boxes and shelved reports across Queensland councils, and turns it into information to support better decision making that will improve financial sustainability, enhance sector reputation and reduce exposure to risk.

All Queensland councils have something to benefit from LG Sherlock, no matter their size, resources or current data-analysing capacity.

Where does the data come from?

Councils get to make a choice about how much data they input to the system and who they want to share it with. 

LG Sherlock will take that data, along with data from other tiers of government and relevant organisations and turn it into enhanced insights for better decision making.

All council data held by the LGAQ is covered by a comprehesive Master Data Sharing Agreement that covers all necessary security, privacy, ethics and governance requirements. Individual schedules are then agreed to between LGAQ and individual councils on a project-by-project basis.  

How is it funded?

The project is funded from the research and development resources of LGAQ and is not funded through any rise in council subscriptions or extra levies.